Tobias 3rd Seminar In Australia
Tobias Oleynik from Germany
This interview was
conducted by:
Kris & Tonia Kotsopoulos - Von
Forell Kennels Australia with
Tobias Oleynik from
Von Forell:
Tobias thank you for giving us this opportunity to conduct an interview with
The pleasure is all mine.
Von Forell:
Well let’s start from the beginning, tell us how you got
involved in training dog or being around the
dogs in general?
I grew up in a small village with around
800 inhabitants. Since I was a young boy I
loved animals. Nearby our
neighbourhood there was a flock of sheep. I almost spent every
afternoon with
the shepherd Norbert. I was fond of the sheep and the dogs also. So it ended
that small Tobias at the age of 12 years took care of a herd with 2000 sheep
during the summer
holidays. It was amazing to work with the dogs! And
the extra money was a nice benefit . Usually I
had 2 German shepherds with me. “Prinz“ and “Funny“ were their names and both of them
did a great job
every! I was impressed with what a dog was able to do with a good education.
Furthermore I loved teaching them tricks during the day. I have to admit that
this was one of the
most interesting part of every single day for me. I
became highly motivated about what was possible
and I wanted to know more about Dog
Training. Fortunately there was a Dog Training place in my
small village, which
is called Albrechts by the way. I
decided to pay this club a visit. Amazing,
exiting, these were my thoughts
after seeing what was possible! And I wanted to become a dog
Unfortunately it took 2 more years until I was able to convince my parents
(Ines &
Andreas). The rest is history...

Von Forell:
we get into it please detail a list of your accomplishments?
I started in 1997 to train dogs. Since that time others
around me and I accomplished almost everything
in the SV-
Here`s a small conclusion:
Junior Champion - Regionals
place German Junior Championship
2nd Place LG-FCI Nordrheinland
1st Place Bundes FCI
2nd Place Bundessiegerprüfung
Trained Team
Champion Regionals a several times (
LG-Nordrheinland )
2 x times Campion of the BSP -
Bundessiegerprüfung German Shepherd Club
2 x times Vice-Champion of the BSP
1 x Vice World Champion
Only the World Champion Title is
Von Forell:
I friend of
mine in New Zealand emailed me your video you put on You tube and when I
the behavior in your dog I was very impressed. I was impressed because I know
what it takes
to get those results, tell us your philosophy on dog training in
love it when a plan comes together“ Quote - Hannibal Smith / A-Team
And therefore it`s always good to
have a plan.
In my opinion good dog training
consist of 4 Phases:
1. Show your dog
what he has to do.
Motivate your dog to do something.
Motivate your dog even he is not motivated (stimulus control).
4. CMS - Conflict
Management System.
According to
this a lot of dog handlers miss the first step I believe. They usually start by only motivating a dog
to do something instead of showing him an exercise. So they are well prepared as long as the dog does
what they want.
Now….this system is quite simple:
The dog does something
and therefore he gets something. Bottom line there is a consequence if the dog obeys.
But sooner or later the day will come when your dog is not obeying. For this
day you must to be prepared!
And how are you to be prepared is the question
that arises:
Is it really necessary to achieve stimulus control?
YES! For the dogs own security and for the security of his environment! Achieving this
is where the dog achieves clarity and it is the ”go“ and “no go“ possibilities that the dog learns from.
Von Forell:
you commenced training dogs as a young man how has it changed over the years?
It has changed a lot! People
today do know much more about different varieties of dog training.
Von Forell:
The result
you achieved with KUBA your German Shepherd displays excellent motivation. How
of that behaviour is attributed to KUBA as a dog or the training systems?
Actually Kuba is a quit
lazy dog. He enjoys to lay on the couch
and do nothing. But as the most of its
kind he is an egotistic for a better
word. You have to understand how a dog learns and why he is
doing something! So
finally I think that the behaviour is attributed to the training system and less
Kuba`s attitude.
Von Forell:
I have also
witnessed an incredible improvement in the quality of the Genetics what do you
Is it the genetics what
we improved or is it the way of training that make it looks like? On the one
hand we have had very good dogs in the past as well and on the other hand we
still have a lot of
diseases in our breed.
But we
can't deny that people today have a lot
more knowledge about breeding as well. And
hopefully they will use it to
improve the genetics and not there own budget.
the Show business there is a speech: ”Sex sells!“
I noticed something similar in our Working German shepherd breed: ”Titles Sell!“ Of course every
breeder wants to better the genetics. But finally he needs to
sell his puppies. And a puppy after a
good titled dog like a champion is much
easier to sell. I am afraid that a lot of breeders consider this
as well when
they choose the breed partner for their dogs and perhaps not the correct dog.
Von Forell:
There has always
been that big question of Nature vs Nurture what are your thoughts on this and
how important are the two ?
In the past there was
only one reason why we bred working dogs: to WORK with them! If a
Newfoundlander is afraid of water, if a hunting dog is going over a hill
because he sees a duck or if a
police protection dog is scared from a burglar
then this should be a wake up call! You can really train
and teach a lot but
you can't fight against nature! Therefor genetics is critical yet training can
a lot if you now how.
Von Forell:
Do you like
using food for training and why or why not?
I love to work with food!
Its a great way to teach a dog an exercise or train technical skills. The dog
learns much more easier in a low drive level. Therefore I use food in the
beginning. Later if the dog
understand his exercise and he is doing a better “Job“ of course I am going to pay him better! For
example with
a toy.
Von Forell:
Do you
breed ?
No. I am just an ordinary dog
Von Forell:
Tell us
about your routine with dog daily?
I walk my dog in the
morning like every one. Usually I combine the daily walks with some
This is where my dog can have his breakfast. During the day I have to work
either in my
office or on the training field of my Dog School. My dog is always
with me except when I travel to
other countries. As soon as I finish my work I
go and train my dog either in physical or IPO exercises.
I don't do that much
but the constant dropping wears the stone! Meaning small shaping exercises
create the final picture.
Von Forell:
Tell us
how you prepare for the WUSV?
Luckily I was allowed to
prepare a lot of dogs with different kind of handlers during the last years. I
have to disappoint you if you expect something special. A test is a test! There
is no difference if I
prepare my dog for his very first BH test or the WUSV. In
both cases I do need a dog that is in a great
physical and psychological shape!
The teaser is more when are you and your dog ready for a test?
Later in a test the
dog has to work without a leash and without a ball! Let me emphasize this:
you're teaching your child how to swim. Therefore you are using helping tools
for this, for
example a pair of arm wings. After a couple of month and really
hard training you decide together
to participate in a swim contest. And now comes
the kicker: Shortly before the start your child is
asking you for his arm
In my opinion most dogs are not
sufficiently prepared enough for a test, and my mission is to show
people how to be prepared.
Von Forell:
Other than
the obvious pressure you would be experiencing during the big competition, how
do you think the dog feels when you are pressured.
I think dogs are very
sensitive and they can feel when we are under pressure. But isn´t it rather the
case that
handlers are under pressure because they are nervous? Nervous if their dog is doing all
his exercises like
they are used to in training?
What if your
dog is prepared enough for the test and you can count on your dog?
I am
guessing you wouldn't be that nervous…
Von Forell:
Are there
any lesson from you for competitors?
Hope for the best. Be
prepared for the worst!
Von Forell:
You are
coming to Australia in March / April 2014 what are your plans for Australia?
I am curious to get to
know the people and the country. The plan is to do 3 Seminars in a row over
18 months. One in
Melbourne and the other one the weekend after in Sydney. Both Seminars are
foundation of my entire training system. Unfortunately it is not possible to
explain, show and
describe everything in just 2 days. For this reason I am
going to revisit Australia three times with a
succession plan teach the entire system from A to Z. I´d like to hand a manual to the handlers which
shows how
to built an exercise from the very beginning to a competition dog. That is my
aim. Too
many seminars are done to try and cram small ideas into a few days of
work and participants miss
the whole picture. This way I will deliver so much
more and between each seminar the participants
can work on their dogs and have
them ready for the next two workshops.
Von Forell:
Your plan
is to allocate 30 positions for people only in your workshop and this is
deliberate can you
explain why?
“Quality Instead of Quantity!“
For this reason there are only 30 people permitted. So we have enough time to
go through all the
exercises and people can feel free to ask their questions.
In this way I guess it is much more
effective for every single participant. I
find that the group grows much faster and is better prepared
to meet
Von Forell:
Thank you
Tobias and I appreciate your time and I look forward in seeing
you in April 2014.
pleasure and I look forward to meeting you all in Australia.
Please see Audio Interview with Tobias - HIGH IN TRIAL INTERVIEW WITH TOBIAS OLEYNIK

Von Forell Instinctive Training
Tobias’ successes – BSP 8th 2003, LG FCI 2nd 2011, Sieger Bundes FCI 2011, Vizebundessieger 2011
7. Platz WUSV 2001. WUSV Best Obedience with 98 P, Vize-Mannschaftsweltmeister 2011
Tobias’ training capabilities are displayed in these two videos
Von Forell Instinctive Training Systems
Von Forell Instinctive Training Systems’ aim is to provide initiatives that offer practical and effective solutions to the management and education of Companion and Competition Dogs.
The purpose of our training workshops is to provide a structural overview of factors considered pertinent to understanding the issues and management of canine temperament, and to encourage the development of protocols and procedures that when implemented, will assist to minimise harm, physical or emotional, to humans and other animals. In addition, these protocols and procedures aim to create canine harmony in our community with a focus on controlled performance and the breeding of emotionally balanced dogs.
Most importantly, we are focused on our dogs truly enjoying their work due to thorough comprehension, which is only possible when the handler understands how dogs learn and operate.
Our weekend with Tobias Oleynik from Germany
Australia has always been left behind in the acquisition of information regarding canines because of its geographical isolation. However, due to the internet and other modes of information sharing there has recently been an immense amount of knowledge passed on by some brilliant minds. This has been especially so in the last 8 years.
To achieve high levels of training in today's highly competitive dog sports we have realized one very important thing and that is, we must find a balance between "motivation and concentration". However, these modes of behaviour are driven by a particular type of dog. A dog that is inherently driven, joyful and robust. In dog sports, it is required that the dog should get maximum points. Therefore, it needs to do the required exercises precisely, cheerfully and accurately.
If we encourage the dog with motivation and provide energy, his work is exciting for him. However, with this comes the likelihood of mistakes. On the other hand, in a dog that has developed a high level of concentration for his commands we get to see technically flawless responses. For many handlers, these responses are believed to be out of reach and their work usually lacks joyful execution and speed.
We believe that any sport with our dogs should be one of joyful execution, speed, power and compliance on cue – also called stimulus control. Our presentations and demonstrations should at least inspire and encourage the general public to manage their dogs better and the followers of our hobby to be the best they can be. This is possible when you find the right balance between "motivation" and "concentration" in your training.
We would honestly say that learning to find the right balance is sometimes not easy. The language of our dogs is one of non-verbal communication! This is very different to what we have as people, because we are accustomed to using verbal communication, and the right balance in behaviour and communication is very much a question of interpretation. This is where we find the largest misunderstanding occurring between a handler and his dog. Teacher and student, man and dog initially talk in different languages as we no doubt find in all training. So the information and knowledge delivered during our seminars is designed to help you become a better trainer and handler.
The question is, "How do I communicate what I want to my dog?"
Our Mission with Tobias
Our mission is to inspire you to the point that you want to keep learning and for you to be the best you can be. Tobias’ direction is to enrol 30 people to participate in three seminars. The three coming seminars will be spaced over 18 months and will be delivered in a system that will provide you with structured lesson plans from the beginning. The first seminar will set the foundation of Tobias’ system and the following two seminars will follow through with you, all the way on how to achieve world standard capability. Tobias’ aim is to make everyone a champion. If you are interested in achieving these results then please consider the three planned seminars, with the first allocated for March / April 2014.
To book your position email Kris Kotsopoulos or call directly on 0418 348 804.
Strictly only 30 Positions Available In Each City - Melbourne and Sydney
Von Forell Australia
Telephone from Australia 03
5786 5388
Fax from Australia 03
5786 5277
International Calls +61
3 5786 53 88
International Faxes +61
3 5786 52 77
Postal PO Box 419 Greensborough 3088
Melbourne Australia
By telephone, e-mail or at our facilities, our specialists will answer
any questions whatever they may be, and guide you in your choice of products
and services.
All rights reserved.
© - Kris Kotsopoulos Von Forell International
No part of this document may be reproduced in any form or by any means,
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